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Services schedule
The Divine Liturgy in our Church starts always at 9 am. A list of other services is shown below.
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Sunday: The Divine Liturgy at 9 am
Friday: Akathist to the most Holy Theotokos 6 pm
Friday: Vesper Service/Church school 6:30 pm
Saturday: Vesper Service 6 pm
We also serve the Divine Liturgy whenever there is some Holiday or Saint day, whose name is writen red in a Church calendar and it always starts at 9 am.
For our family patron Saint's day (Slava) bread blessing starts at 7:30 am. It is also possible to have your saint's bread blessed after the Divine Liturgy.
For all other information you can always contact our parish priest Rev. Fr Aleksandar Ivanovic
Phone +61 432 150 431
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